WW2 history Wiki

President Chiang Kai-shek leader of china during ww2

IN ww2 there were numerous alllies i will be ging from when they joined not how major they were

  1. 51425817

    Churchill The Great read on the picture at the bottom for information

    China (sino-japanese war which joined ww2) joined 7 july 1937
  2. Czechslovakia(through only freedom fighters untill 1945) joined 16 march 1939
  3. poland (mainly freedom fighter untill 1944)joined 1 september 1939
  4. Britain (first comenwealth nation to declare war Declared war 8 hours before France ,and all of its various colonies including India) joined 3 september 1939
  5. Australia (following Britians role) joined 3 september 1939

    Neville Chamberlin Famous for trying to Appease Germany, was Prime minister of the united Kingdom from may 1937 until may 1940 following the fall of France

  6. New Zealand (following Britains Role) joined 3 september 1939
  7. France & all its Colonies (It maintained a mai

    John Curtin Prime Minister of Australia 7th of october 1941 until his death on the 5th of july 1945

    n role throughout the war but was taken over by germany on the 20 june 1940 after that it had various resistance group and had its colonies still fighting) joined 3 september 1939
  8. Union of South Africa (followed britians role) joined 6 september 1939
  9. Canada (following Britain role ) joined 10 september 1939
  10. Denmark (invasion of denmark and norway by germany , Denmark had a few resistance forces but never contributed a army also both freenland and iceland owned by denmark were used as major allied bases) joined 9 April 1940
    1. Norway (invasion of denmark and norway, had a few resistance groups also aided british comandos) joined 9 April1940
  11. Belgium (invasion of low countries and france, did some resistnce also the belgium congo kept on fighting) joined 10 may 1940
    411px-Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands

    Queen Wilhelmina Of the Netherlands

  12. Luxembourg (invasion of low countries and france,had some resistance) joined 10 may
  13. The Netherlands (invasion of low countries and france, A puppet nation of holand was set up to contempt their

    Josef Tito leader of yugoslavian resistance and president of yugoslavia after the war until his death in May 4 1980

    population, Had lots of resistance and also their colnies were later mostly taken by Japan) joined 10 may 1940
  14. Greece (Italian-greek war, had alot of resistance) joined 28 october 1940
  15. Yugoslavia (invasion of Greece and yugoslavia) had major resistance led by josef tito who became head of goverment in 1945 also it is the only country in ww2 to annex itself with no foreign allied invasion) joined 6

    Josef Stalin Premier of the Soviet Union

    april 1941
  16. Soviet Union (Operation Barbosara, After 2 yrs of german offensives the soviets turned the tide of the war by pushing on into Nazi occupied europe and Annexed Czechslovakia,Poland, Various soviet Goverments, and Tool Over Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania) joined 22 june 1941
  17. USA Including the philipines(Pearl harbour, took control of Allied forces in the pacific and held joint control for Allied forces in North africa and western europe) joined 7 december

    Franklin Rosevelt President of the united states of America 1933-1945 until his death

  18. Panama (Did it due to the pan-american union a Agreement between most american nations to aid the other if attacked, no military actions taken) joined 7 december 1941
  19. Costa Rica (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 8 december 1941
  20. El salvador (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 8 december 1941
  21. Dominican Republic (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 8 december 1941
  22. Haiti (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 8 december 1941
  23. ThumbnailCADZDRPH

    Wiston The most Famous Prime minister of The United Kingdom From may 1940 untill june 1945 lead britain through the war when they had no military

    Hondorus (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 8 december 1941
  24. Nicaragua (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 8 december 1941
  25. Guetemala (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 9 december 1941
  26. Cuba (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 9 december 1941
  27. Mexico (due to U boats sinking mexican Oil Boats, Sent its navy to help The invasion of the Philipines in march 1945) joined 22 may 1942
  28. Brazil (Pan American Union , Sent troops to italy) joined in 22 august 1942
  29. Ethiopia ( Ethiopia being annnexed by french and british troops ) joined 14 december 1942
  30. Iraq ( British intervention, no military actions taken) joined 17 january 1943
  31. Bolivia (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 7 april 1943
  32. Columbia (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 26 july 1943
  33. Persia/Iran (british and Soviet intervention that removeed the pr
    Charles de gaulle

    Charles De Gaulle leader of the french resistance and later president of france

    o-nazi shah and handed the shahdom to his son the last shah of Persia, very little military actions) joined 9 september 1943
  34. Liberia (Secure its ties with the allies) joined 17 january 1944
  35. Peru (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken) joined 12 febuary 1944
  36. Ecuador (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken and to try to be on the 'winning side') joined 2 febuary 1945
  37. Paraguay (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken and to try to be on the 'winning side') joined 7 febuary 1945
  38. Uraguay (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken and to try to be on the 'winning side') joined 15 febuary 1945
  39. Venezuela (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken and to try to be on the 'winning side') joined 15 febuary 1945
  40. Turkey (to try to be on the winning side and to erase their role in ww2) joined 23 febuary 1945
  41. Eygpt (winning side, even through it had allowed allied troop in through all of ww2) joined 24 febuary 1945
  42. Lebanon (just formed Following France's role) joined 27 febuary 1945
  43. Syria (just formed following France's Role ) joined 27 febuary 1945
  44. Saudi Arabia (to be on the winning side) joined 1 march 1945
  45. Argentina (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken and to try to be on the 'winning side' also it was used as refuge for ex nazis after the war) joined 27 march 1945
  46. Chile (Pan American Union, no military Actions Taken and to try to be on the 'winning side' through they only declared war on japan ) joined 11 march 1945
    486px-Wladyslaw Sikorski 2

    Wladyslaw Sikorski President of the Polish Goverment in Exile
